Daniel Kasak wrote:
On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 15:52 +1000, Peter Hyde wrote:

However from a TAFE aspect, teaching Beginners Courses in Computers etc. In reality it is not as easy as you may think. Go and ask the average person, not an already Computer savvy person to do what you suggest and you will find from their responses i.e.: blank stares that is beyond them.

So teach them how to open their email client. Get over it. As noted
multiple times, it takes just as much effort to open an email client
with a button *inside* OpenOffice as it takes to open en email client
with a button *outside* OpenOffice.

You really are clutching at straws. Find something more worthy to occupy
your time with. I've got an idea for you: why don't you integrate a file
manager into OpenOffice for me. I know I've already got a file manager,
and it's easy to open, but I absolutely refuse to open it from anywhere
other than inside my office package, and I think YOU should be the one
to implement it, because YOU want OpenOffice adopted by the masses. So
do it, or I'll whinge and carry on about how you don't care about users
and such.

It is simple to add a button to OOo. Heck, I already have a button on mine that I never knew I had. Just beside the save icon. This is on Fedora 7 and the Fedora version of OOo.

All I had to do was configure the Tools > Options > Interenet > Email for it to work. Thunderbird opens to a compose window.

Robin Laing

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