Douglas St.Clair wrote:
On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:14 PM, Matt Sturgeon wrote:

and OOo needs better looks anyway, the gray theme is boring: ... at least change the bg colour to a nice one - maybe leave it open to customization!

Apple hires a fair number of creative types (musicians, artists, etc) who provide the coders with help in making the interface 'pretty'. If an open source project is going to get more creative then some way of attracting these people to the project and integrating them into the process is needed. That's a management/administrative hurdle that is certainly doable I just don't see the interest or will to do it.

Now on the other hand even if the interface/appearance is as boring as hell if the product is (a) reliable as hell and (b) has well thought out and really efficient interfaces, from the user's perspective, I think the product will be a world beater.

As a personal comment OO has the look and feel of a product that was designed by a coder not an artist or a human factors engineer.

Maybe those who keep on harping about this pointless (IMHO) MS ribbon should fund the development of either an OpenOffice extension to perform the task so those of us who do not want it are not lumbered with downloading it or go off and create a new OOo branch called OOo ribbon. This discussion seems a waste of effort. Those who started it should get some clear idea about how much it would cost to do and be willing to fund it.



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