> I don't think there is a Resource.storeRepresentation() method in
> 1.0.8.  Are you recommending this because my approach won't work, or
> because .storeRepresentation() is better in some way?

You are correct, sorry for the confusion.  In 1.1, the correct method to
override is storeRepresentation().

Hmm, well, one language is C#, which seems to support it in its
> HttpWebRequest class.  Do you recommend using POST instead for this
> reason?

Stick with PUT.  POST isn't what you really want.  I don't know the
specifics of C# so I can't help you there. My advice was just a general
warning that you shouldn't assume that your clients implementation language
will have PUT support.  I'd test your target languages to make sure.

Will using .storeRepresentation() support storing a
> representation through POST as well as PUT?

No, that would be acceptRepresentation() (1.1)

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Kevin Conaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I believe you should override Resource.storeRepresentation() and
> override
> > Resource.allowPut() -> true instead of overriding Resource.put()
> I don't think there is a Resource.storeRepresentation() method in
> 1.0.8.  Are you recommending this because my approach won't work, or
> because .storeRepresentation() is better in some way?
> > Two pieces of advice on opening up to third-party clients.  First, some
> > languages (or their associated libraries) other than Java have poor or
> > non-existent support for the HTTP PUT method.  Just be aware of this
> when
> > recommending implementation languages.
> Hmm, well, one language is C#, which seems to support it in its
> HttpWebRequest class.  Do you recommend using POST instead for this
> reason?  Will using .storeRepresentation() support storing a
> representation through POST as well as PUT?
> > Second, while JSON is slightly easier to work with programmatically, a
> lot
> > of languages don't have native support for it.  Depending on who your
> > clients are, they might balk at having to download and install a third
> party
> > library to access your service.  XML might work out better because most
> > languages have native support for it.
> I think it will be ok.  Of course, I can always support both, and let
> them choose when they make the request.
> Many thanks,
> Ian.
> --
> Cell: +1 512 422 3588
> Skype: sanity

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