On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using Restlet 1.0.8 - would you recommend using 1.1?  How stable
> is it relative to 1.0.8 - and what are the benefits?

The usual caveats apply.  1.1 isn't an official production release.   The
Restlet project tends to emerge VERY stable milestone releases, however, and
my company does use them in production quite often.  I prefer 1.1M2 for a
number of reasons, both new features and API changes included.

Here's the changelog: http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.1/changes

Does the use of methods like getRepresentation() and
> storeRepresentation() not cause a problem because they decouple
> Restlet from the underlying HTTP protocol terminology?

> Specifically, if I say to a client writer that isn't using Restlet
that they should "store a representation" in a URL, it is less likely
> that they will know what do to relative to saying that they should
> "PUT" it (this being the name of the HTTP method they should use).
> Probably not the best example, but generally, wouldn't it be better to
> stick with terminology that will be familiar to people who are only
> going on the HTTP spec?
> Or perhaps we are assuming a familiarity with REST terminology, rather
> than HTTP terminology alone?

REST and Restlet terminology *is*, by and large, HTTP terminology.  The word
"representation," for example, appears in the very first paragraph of the
abstract of the HTTP/1.1 specification, with the exact meaning used here in

I think you have hit on a significant issue, though -- that very few
implementers actually have read the HTTP specification *per se*, nor studied
the architectural style in an abstract way,  and words like "entity" and
"representation" seem alien to them.  They do recognize words that manifest
in a well-known or well-used implementation.  So they recognize "method"
and GET and POST because they appear in the ubiquitous <FORM> tag.  Java
developers recognize "request" and "response" from the Servlet API.  On
balance though, if they've never seen the word in an implementation, and it
applies to one of the more abstract concepts of HTTP or REST architecture, I
think the odds are excellent that this will be unfamiliar.  Conversely, they
best understand words that, while not strictly REST words, appear
consistently in their frame of reference.

Given this, based on your assessment of the preferred technologies and level
of sophistication of your client implementers, I would document in words
they understand.  Orson Scott Card: "I speak to everyone in the language
they understand ... That isn't being slick, it's being clear."*
I just read an API doc where the documenter said: "POST the following
variables to the following action"  That's not particularly eruditely
stated, but it's simple, clear, and surely gets the message across to the
average Web developer.  There's no blather about constructing a form
representation with x-www-url-encoded encoding, and the HTML word "action"
is used where I'd have said "URI", but still the message gets across pretty
clearly ...*

*- R

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