Hi Orville,

I am not sure if all the links you provided are directly linked to the problem 
: no deserialization of JSON-Data on POST/PUT-Methods. But I might be wrong 

Anyway : this issue will be looked into soon, hopefully: 
http://restlet.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1219 - you might want to 
register yourself to the issue to receive updates.

Back to the issue: the bad thing is that there are no error messages on the GAE 
side. The data is just not deserialized (parameter == null) when originating 
from a restlet client (JSE and Android). This means that I cannot provide 
additional error information to the resolvers.

What I noticed also is that the JacksonConverter is not selected. If I "curl" a 
POST then the deserialization works and the Converter is resolved:

"org.restlet.service.ConverterService toObject: The following converter was 
selected for the [application/json] representation: 

With the restlet clients, to above converter selection output won't appear. 
When I compared the "curl"-Request and the restlet-Request, I noticed some 
differences in the HTTP-Headers. That might be a starting point for the devs.

Though, as Jerome pointed out - it's holiday time ... so we should be patient.



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