
from what I notice, this has to do with chunked encoding and GAE.
I keep on investigating this point.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Hello Thierry,
> I have installed and run your examples. They work well as expected.
> Though, there are big differences in the scenarios of your tests and my
> setup, I guess.
> I have used ext.jackson for serialization. I did not send a JSON-String
> directly as in the test-Sample. I have used the "wrap"-Method of the
> ClientResource. The wrap-Method is also the preferred one in the "first app"
> sample - so people are running into this issue ...
> Sending JSON-Strings works for me as well - this is acutally what I am
> doing right now: using Androids built-in json.org support to create json
> strings which I send over to the GAE via built-in HTTP-Support. This has the
> nice side effect of needing way less storage (0MB instead of >1MB
> (restlet.jar+jackson-libs). Storage is an issue in the mobile enviroment.
> Well, I am still running restlet on the GAE. Deserialization works well
> when pure JSON/HTTP-Requests arrive!
> Thanks
> Joe
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2696699


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