Reddit would honestly probably be more difficult to use, we couldn't set up
subforums or anything. If someone has an old box I can use, as well as a
domain (I have a static IP), I could set it up at home so we aren't using
the space's internetz.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Ben Lippincott

> I honestly wouldn't mind setting up a phpbb server if I could get some
> other people to admin with me.
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Craig Bergdorf <> wrote:
>> Another vote for having a regular forum like phpbb or the like because
>> it's how I am comfy communicating (Yes, I remember the rule of if you
>> suggest it be prepared to do it), but I agree it's too much work for 50
>> people.  I suppose if reddit is already setup and is what all the cool
>> people use now I should just adapt (and make an account).  Perhaps a
>> webadmin could put it on the front page so others could find it?  I like
>> the idea of segmenting long term projects like power racing in a way that
>> someone new or returning from leave can read everything that has been said
>> without sifting through the full synhak load.
>>  On Nov 13, 2013 3:52 PM, "Chris Egeland" <> wrote:
>>> Hey hackers!
>>> I've been watching the mailing lists very closely for some time now, and
>>> have noticed a general uptrend in the volume of email sent to the discuss
>>> list.  Sometimes we get offtopic and go off on tangents about toast, or
>>> other topics which are fun to talk about, but are ultimately irrelevant to
>>> the space itself.  Usually, this isn't a problem, but for someone who is
>>> interested in the space, but not the minutiae of every little bit of
>>> day-to-day operations, it can quickly turn into an overwhelming amount of
>>> email.
>>> Today, I'm asking for input on how we should proceed with the mailing
>>> lists.  As you may know, we currently have 5 lists, two of which are
>>> public, one semipublic, and two private. and
>>> are the two that everyone knows about.  Members may
>>> know that they are automatically subscribed to
>>>  Board members are subscribed to and us sysadmin folk
>>> are members of
>>> My recommendation is to create an "offtopic" list, which would have very
>>> very lax rules on what can be posted.  Anything you want to chat about.
>>>  Want to debate why the RubberDucks is a terrible team name and the Aeros
>>> was WAY better?  Sure, no problem.  Got a pothole on Market street that
>>> irks you every day?  Have at it.  Joke threads? Toast? No problem.  The
>>> other side to this idea is that the discuss list would have some basic
>>> rules imposed that mean that any topics to the discuss list would be
>>> required to be relevant to the space itself.  Projects occurring at the
>>> space would be relevant topics, open hours discussion, meeting minutes, etc.
>>> So, let me know what you guys think.  I'm not officially proposing this,
>>> but we may chat about it at the next meeting as a discussion topic, because
>>> it would fundamentally mean we change how the mailing lists are organized
>>> and structured.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
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>> Discuss mailing list
> --
> Thanks!
> Ben Lippincott

Ben Lippincott
Discuss mailing list

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