On Thursday, February 06, 2014 01:41:59 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
> What if the EE lab and general meeting area were connected again in an
> L? Having the meeting area being the entire width we could fit the 21
> people we had at this weeks meeting.   Also with a shrunken machine shop
> from the first post to the floor drain, a clear shot to load/unload from
> the garage door including the basement & 4x8 sheets to the machine room.
> The right side of the back 40 is left out, a good classroom and something
> else could spaciously fit in there.  I'm just trying to get 21 unpacked.  2
> weeks, 2 days till the soft launch.
> http://calculais.com/syn/2/5.1.pdf

Replying to indicate that I have given up on caring about floorplans since any 
such discussion inevitably ends up pissing me off when I get told how wrong my 
ideas are without any real logical argument.
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