Kind of random idea, can spiff incorporate a voting system, per membership?

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 11:31 PM EDT Torrie Fischer wrote:

>The last few membership applications and proposals we've had, we've sometimes 
>used a vote, sometimes went with "does anyone raise issues"?
>This is going to be a bigger year for SYNHAK. I think we should consider 
>revisiting our consensus process to allow it to scale in a manner that helps 
>to maintain our shared spirit of experimentation, openness, and the 
>triumvirate of Consensus, Do-ocracy, and Excellence.
>I feel that one such vector is by stepping away from the trend of having 
>simple majority voting, or rather, any kind of vagueness on the definition of 
>consensus, as clearly evidenced in tonight's meeting.
>The original intent of our membership process was to "weed out the crazy 
>people". I think this should also be extended to include measures to weed out 
>people that might not fully understand what it means to be a member of SYNHAK 
>and have an active part in our governance process. I still maintain my opinion 
>that you can be as member as you want to be, however I wouldn't want new 
>members joining the space that we don't all /not/ dislike. It causes tension 
>and an increase in drama if there exists someone who creates pressure points.
>The same goes for our proposal process. Traditionally its been used to bring 
>about new rules, changes in protocol, etc. It often leads to a lot of arguing 
>and assumption of personal attacks, acting in bad faith, and shouting about 
>unexcellence. Voting always pits one side against another. It is an all or 
>nothing system.
>The purpose of weeding out people and ideas not universally accepted as 
>contributing to our common vision, whatever that may be, is to ensure that our 
>community works together as one.
>I'm not arguing that we shouldn't accept new members or ideas simply because 
>not everyone agrees with them 100%. However, if someone in the membership has 
>serious concerns about an applicant or proposal, I feel that there should be a 
>mechanism that addresses those concerns and ensures that everyone involved 
>ends up happy with the outcome, even if it is just one person.
>To use an extreme example:
>If we've got 100 members, and one knows that a new applicant is a sociopath 
>who has been kicked out of a bunch of other area organizations before, I think 
>they've got a right to step up and stop them from becoming a member.
>One person harboring bitter thoughts and resentment towards another does not 
>make a healthy and vibrant community. To quote Omar, "We don't all have to 
>like everyone, but we do need to get along."
>I would like to suggest that we adopt a modified consensus process in the form 
>of blocking with explanation. Here's a suggested protocol:
>* Proposals or membership applications may be accepted by the Membership of 
>long as nobody blocks any such application.
>* If a SYNHAK member wishes to block a membership application or proposal, 
>they need to clearly state their reason for blocking.
>** Not everyone has to agree with the reason for a block to be valid, it just 
>has to be clearly stated.
>* Proposals and membership applications may be permitted to be blocked at any 
>point up until the membership application or proposal is approved, for as long 
>as six weeks.
>* Proposals or membership applications may only be blocked for longer than six 
>weeks if there is support from at least two other members, meaning that a 
>total of three members must clearly state that they are blocking and why.
>* Blocked membership applications or proposals with the support of at least 
>three total members may be blocked indefinitely.
>The purpose of a block is to prevent someone with some intense reservations 
>against a proposal from feeling completely screwed over by everyone else.
>If a total of three people (out of our current 20) share the same serious 
>reservations, I think they all should have the right to not experience an 
>environment that they do not feel comfortable with.
>In essence, this is a written protocol that defines how we come to Consensus.
>In closing, I want to remind everyone that we are building SYNHAK *together*. 
>We want to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that fosters 
>creativity. Using voting to decide how SYNHAK runs will *always* steamroll 
>someone, without exception. If there is a method for us to avoid conflict and 
>squashing others because a few people don't like the idea, it is necessary 
>that we consider it.
>Thoughts and feedback, please!
>Let me repeat that again,
>To reiterate:
>I am requesting that we discuss this proposal, as it is the spirit and a core 
>value of SYNHAK that we all come to a common agreement where nobody gets hurt.
>I hope I was clear in stating that I am open to reaching consensus on this.
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