So I have been reading through this discussion topic and taking in everything 
that has been said in the debate of Consensus vs Voting. I have given this a 
lot of thought and feel that I may have come up with a solution to this whole 
issue. I have tried to keep it in line with sticking to consensus as much as 
possible, while providing a way after long and careful debate to move forward 
with a Membership application or Proposal while still having some that 
disagree. I would love to hear feedback on what everyone thinks of it, and am 
more than willing to go into further detail about my choice for certain 
decision in crafting this proposal. I will copy it into the message below, as 
well as link to a PDF form if you find it too difficult to read in the e-mail. 
Formatting on the email will probably be messed up so I would recommend looking 
at the PDF as it make is much easier to read.
PDF version is available here:


1.) Membership applications or
Proposals may be accepted by the Membership of SYNHAK as                long as 
Member, in good standing, blocks any such action. If a SYNHAK Member,
in              good standing, wishes to block a Membership application or 
Proposal the reason to                  block must fall under one of the 

                A.) Make a specific reference to any
violation of SYNHAK Code, Policy or By-Laws                             that 
the Proposal or
potential Member might be in conflict with
                B.) Make a specific reference to any
violations of 26 US Code Section 501(c)(3) or                           Section 
                C.) Make a specific reference to any
violations of Federal, State, or Local law or                                   
regulations that
are applicable
                D.) If it is a Proposal, make an
alternate Proposal, or modification to the Proposal in                          
that aims to correct any issues with the current one
                E.) If it is a Membership
application, explain verifiable evidence as to why that person
                                does not deserve to be a Member based on any 
personal or
professional                                    experience you have with the 
person in question

        Failure to meet any of the criteria
above would result in the Proposal or Membership application    process
to continue as stated in the SYNHAK By-Laws.

        2.) Should the preceding criteria be
met the issues should be discussed among the attending                  
at the meeting until no further constructive comments/opinions are
made,                   and the discussion continued on the member mail list in 
week leading up to the next                     meeting.
        3.) During the following meeting (the
“2nd meeting”) the issue will be brought up again:
                A.) If all issues or complaints have
been properly dealt with, and the Member or                                     
Members, in good
standing, withdraw their block on a Membership application                      
Proposal then the process is to continue as stated in the SYNHAK

                B.) If however, the Member or
Members, in good standing, do not withdraw their block                          
due to
their belief their reasons stated in the previous meeting were not
properly                                addressed. The Membership application 
or Proposal will
be blocked for another                          week with further discussion at 
meeting with the Members in attendance, and                     on the members 

        4.)  During the following meeting (the
“3rd meeting”) the issue will be brought up again:

                A.) If all issues or complaints have
been properly dealt with, and the Member or                                     
Members, in good
standing, withdraw their block on a Membership application                      
Proposal then the process is to continue as stated in the SYNHAK

                B.) If however, the Member or
Members, in good standing, do not withdraw their block                          
due to
their belief their reasons stated in the previous meetings were not
properly                        addressed the following will take place:

                        I.) A final discussion period will
take place where all further issues will be                                     
discussed until

                                1.) A consensus is met in favor of,
or against, the Membership application                                  or 

                                2.) 15% or more of the attending
Membership move to have a show of                                               
hands of those in favor of,
or against, the Membership application                                  or  
Proposal. The
following can happen based on the show of                                       

                                        a.) If 86% or more of the
Membership in attendance is in favor of                                         
                the Membership
application or Proposal then the process is                                     
        to continue as
stated in the SYNHAK By-Laws.
                                        b.) If 15% or more of the
Membership in attendance is against the                                         
        Membership application
or Proposal then it is blocked for                                              
        one more week.

                        II.) The decision of the Membership
in attendance is carried out with no further                                    
argument or
discussion on the topic at hand.

        5.) If the Membership application or
Proposal is blocked again with a 15% or more vote of the
                        Membership in attendance then the issue will be 
discussed in the
meeting, and on the                     member mail list, for a maximum of 4 
after the vote during the 3rd meeting.                  During each
meeting leading up to the 4th week the issue will be put
up for discussion                       following the same process as outlined 
section 4. Should it reach the 4th week the                     Membership
application or Proposal will be put up for a vote, requiring a
minimum of                      76% or more of Membership in attendance vote in 
to pass, or 25% or more of                      Membership in attendance vote 
it to fail.                                       
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