
I will try to be there to vote for the bike shop.  Should I not make it there, 
you have my limited proxy to vote solely for the funds to support the bike shop 

Tim Seeley

From: Philip P. Patnode []
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 9:50 PM
Subject: bike shop proposal - update - request for proxy statement

Dear All

Last week was a personal disaster for me.  On Saturday morning, I got a call 
from a close personal friend in serious trouble.   I had to go out of town and 
help him get through some rough times.  I am happy to report that the situation 
is improving and the future for him and his family looks good.

The "bike shop proposal" is still under discussion and can come up for a vote 
at the SH meeting tomorrow night.

With the support of SH members and from non-members like Angelo Coletta (Summit 
Cycling) Theresa Augustin, Mary O'Connor (Pixel Theater), Cable Courtney 
(Downtown Akron), Andy Davis (Bike Kitchen), Victor Hayne (ASCPL) and many 
others, the Bike Shop at SH can become a reality.

If you are a member in good standing, I need your vote tomorrow night!  If you 
can't be at the meeting and wish to support the proposal, please email me a 
proxy statement stating that you grant me the power to vote on your behalf.

If you have any questions or comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to 
email me tonight or tomorrow.  I will try to answer you questions and address 
your concerns.



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