
I will be happy to answer questions pertaining to the Bike Shop Proposal as
written and presented.

Any questions about hypothetical situations or undefined future plans are
not productive at this time.

Let's keep the discussion in focus and concentrate on the proposal as I
presented it to the membership.

The proposal is a request for funds to buy tools and equip the area
designated as the Bike Shop.  All the labor is being contributed by
specific members and a few non-members.  Your name is not on the list of
volunteers or contributors.

If you or any other member have suggestions on how to run the Bike Shop,
market the Bike Shop, or otherwise get involved in the project that you
have not yet contributed any time or energy to, I suggest you wait until
there is a Bike Shop at SH.

If you think a Bike Shop at SH is a good idea, please support the proposal
and allow the project to move forward.

If all you want to do is extend the conversation and nitpick over details
about things that don't yet exist, I suggest you re-direct your attention
to any of the many unsolved problems at SH that continue to be ignored and
not dealt with effectively.  If you need a list of things to do SH or ways
to occupy your time at SH, let me know.  I have a list of stuff to do at SH
that is now into the second page.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Philip P. Patnode <ppatn...@gmail.com>

> G, Justin, Michael, and others -
> The issue of tool usage and tool security is an important one and must be
> worked out to the general satisfaction of the members.
> It is premature to discuss a solution to a problem that does not exist
> yet.  However, we can discuss tools at SH and come up with a plan to
> control and secure the tools that SH may buy from Angelo and tools that I
> will be bringing to the Bike Shop.
> Rather than open it up to an uncontrolled, time-consuming, free-for-all at
> tonight's meeting or a future meeting, I suggest that a few members get
> together to discuss tools at SH and come up with guidelines to ensure tool
> security and set policies on usage throughout SH, including the Bike Shop.
>  In addition to myself, I want Angelo, Justin, Devin, and Michael on the
> "tool committee".  I am confident that we will be able to address the issue
> and come up with an overall tool policy that not only protects the tools at
> SH but ensures that they are available to all, with certain restrictions.
> Philip
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