What was causing the issue was setting the rowcount 1 and maintaining connections across client requests.  Apparently this set the rowcount to all queries called after this to have a rowcount of 1.
So access to the CF Admin was pretty critical to the resolution using the code as I originally wrote it.
The other solution that was presented in several emails with  SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as ID; also worked without having to have access to the CF Admin.
Once again, thanks all.

Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Others have already clarified the issue with troubling issues with the approach you used to get the last inserted record. I realize it may have seemed logical to you. Just one of those "patterns" that you learn with time in CFML. We've all been there.
But don't leave us in suspense on the solution to the earlier challenge. :-) What was the "causing the issue"? Especially if you want people to help you see "why it's happening and how to avoid/combat it".

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