Thank you for the colorful commentation.

Can you offer a more thoughtful and objective point of view that would not
slander one side or the other and would avoid a flame war?

I am sure our readers would be interested in the ramifications of enterprise
business to business partnerships versus product bias.


On 1/19/07, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > I can only wish that one day that the two product will merge and
> support one another...

Oh, God, no no no NO NO NO NO!!!!!!

Lord, I know I've done You wrong before.  I know I've had my differences
with You in the past and not done as You'd wished from time to time.  And
I'm deeply sorry, Lord, *deeply* sorry, if I've offended You in any way, and
I thank You for showing me the Light.

I know now that I should have never invented the Puppy Trebuchet, had them
manufactured by child slave labor in China, and sold them at an
obscene profit to the idle rich.  I know that now, because You've showed me
The Way.

I know now, Dear Lord, that it is not right to initiate dozens of
simultaneous office pools around Atlanta on which employee can give the boss
Herpes the fastest, take "10% For The House," and use that money to finance
underground "Free First Taste Of Crack Day" for middle schoolers.  You've
shown me that it's wrong.

But Lord, if You have any mercy left in You for the wretch that is me...
If You can forgive me just one more time...  If You can do one thing for me,
then please please *PLEASE* don't ever let Adobe get their hands on
BlueDragon.NET, Lord, please.

Please keep them apart, Dear Lord, so that the pristine nature of
BlueDragon.NET is not sullied.  So that it remains a shining beacon of
CFML performance when loads get heavy.  So that we, it's disciples, can hear
The Voice Of Reason when we need support, and not have to wait for
generations in hopeless bondage.  So that freedom of choice may reign.

Thank you, and Amen.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee

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