Does the user that you bind for the datasource have access to create table?

Client storage creates two database tables: CDATA, CGLOBAL

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Ajas Mohammed <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a datasource defined lets say XYZ and I use this XYZ dsn as
> clientstorage.
> I am getting this error message after page request. Everything works fine
> except that the page has this error at end of page.
> 500 Operation failed on the data source named "XYZ".
> Operation failed on the data source named "XYZ".
> My search on google gave me clues that it could be a client variable
> causing problem or space for table storing client variables or Oracle
> db(which doesnt apply to me). So far, not sure what is the root of this
> problem. Which log file I need to check to track more info about this error?
> Any ideas as to what could be causing this error.
> Thanks,
> <Ajas Mohammed />
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