S, I'd like to find out how insecure. Can you forward the code?

Derrick Peavy

On Jul 10, 2009, at 1:43 PM, shawn gorrell wrote:


Welcome to the big leagues. I know that you might want to stay away from that stuff, but if you want to be an uber-developer, you really need to know that stuff inside and out. Network and server administrators are unlikely to learn CF config at any level of depth, so you need to be the resource to help them out and protect your customers.

If your host is allowing CFEXECUTE to all customers, I'd find another host. There are times when it may be the only solution to a very specific usage scenario, but a good rule of thumb is to shut it off as a policy unless someone can make the specific case not to. If someone does make the case, you are better off to sandbox that specific piece of functionality on its own, and contain it tightly.

As far as sandboxing, it is better to lock it down as hard as you can. Your default position should always be to be less permissive than more permissive. If you find out that you are blocking things that you need, it's easy enough to open it up a little more until you find exactly the settings you need. If you err in the other direction and you get exploited, you're just hosed.

Let me give you a for-instance about sandboxing. One of the things you can sandbox is DSN's. In a shared environment, would you want anyone on that server to be able to find out about your DSN and access your data? Or would you prefer that each sandbox has only the DSN's that it is allowed to see and access? Seems pretty common- sense to me.

If you want to find out exactly how insecure your shared host is, I've got some code that I could give you. You could have some great fun finding out all sorts of interesting and uninteresting things about the server and all of the applications and databases (including all of the data in their databases) it hosts, all in a completely non-threatening way;)



From: Clarke Bishop <cbis...@resultantsys.com>
To: discussion@acfug.org
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 10:45:22 AM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] cfexecute, shared hosting, and security

I realize that all developers have a role in application security
(cfqueryparam, etc.). So, there definitely are things I have to pay
attention to in building an application.

But for server-level administration and security issues, I would personally
like to stay away as much as I can!

While debugging my database connection problem the other day, I discovered that the host has cfexecute enabled. It is CF Enterprise, but I don't know if sandbox security really helps this problem. Please let me know your ideas for how serious a problem this is. I wish there was an independent group that evaluated and certified hosting providers -- It's really hard to know
who's good and who's not!


I found this on the web at

So the hoster is left with a hard choice: disable CFEXECUTE, CFOBJECT,
CreateObject(.NET), CreateObject(COM) and CreateObject(JAVA) or accept that there is no security whatsoever in the shared hosting configuration. If you disable these tags a lot of applications and frameworks won't work anymore. For instance Transfer ORM needs Java access, so any application build on top
of it will not work in a secured shared hosting environment.


My application is the front end to a shopping cart (like a product
configurator). The actual transaction with credit card information happens on a totally different server. The data I'm actually keeping wouldn't be
very interesting for a hacker.

My philosophy on security is that it's all about striking the right balance. You can lock things down so tightly that using the system becomes difficult and expensive. Or, you can be too open. I'm having a hard time figuring out
the right balance.

Thanks for your comments!


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