You have established some criteria in your decision already.  You are
looking for an MVC framework in ColdFusion.

   - Mach-II <> A framework that focuses
   on trying to ease software development and maintenance
   - Model-Glue <> Through a simple
   implementation of Implicit Invocation and Model–View–Controller, they allow
   applications to be well organized without sacrificing flexibility.
   - Fusebox <>Fusebox
does not force the Model–View–Controller (MVC) pattern or
   Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) on the developer. However, either or both
   of these development approaches can be used with Fusebox.
   - PureMVC <> Framework for ColdFusion
an event-driven conventions based MVC ColdFusion Framework with an
   extensive array of patterns for its operations such as Factories, Helpers,
   Workers, etc.
   - Switchboard <> is a MVC framework with
   built in authentication, redirecting, and URL routing.

The above was pulled from wikipedia on the MVC design pattern.

The longevity of any given open source software is not a constant and can be
unpredictable.  I have no knowledge on Switchboard and I am not sure on the
longevity of PureMVC.

Your approach to learn what is involved in an MVC framework probably should
probably have two approaches: Design Pattern understanding and Practical

I would suggest learning the practical usage first with each of the
frameworks that make your "cut".  I would choose two or three at max.
Establish what features that you can leverage from each framework.  I like
to look at things like how easy is it to incorporate other technologies into
the framework.

Aside from a feature list, perform a "Pet Store" project in each framework.
By "Pet Store", learn how to create a form, submit a form, create a model
layer for the forms without using built in features like scaffolding.  How
hard is it to track the data through the framework?  How quickly can you
learn where to make the changes for a form submission?

The Design Pattern approach can occur after you make your decision based
upon practical usage.  Learn what the vernacular means.  What parts of the
design pattern are present in your chosen framework?

You ask the group for their collective interpretation, but most of this is
your study of the pattern and how a given framework works for you.  You know
your aptitude more than us and you know what problems you are trying to

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Clarke Bishop <>wrote:

>  Thanks guys!
> I know that for some people choosing a framework becomes a religious
> question. I started to say something about this in my original message.
> Instead, I listed some requirements:
> ·         An MVC framework (Therefore, no Fusebox). The others are more
> object oriented.
> ·         Helps expand my understanding and won’t quickly become obsolete.
> ·         Being easier to learn and get started with.
> I also have a lot of respect for all the ACFUG members. So, if there’s
> already an ACFUG consensus, I’d rather go in that direction.
> Charlie, I think I remember asking you before if you focused on a specific
> framework, and you said “No”. Doug’s been in Flex land, and I also had
> Timothy’s question whether CF9 changes anything with its built-in hibernate.
> I’d love to hear from anyone who recently has been using one of these
> frameworks. What do you think might be best for me?
> Thanks again!
>    Clarke
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Douglas
> Knudsen
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:03 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework
> What did I hear fusebox compared to recently on twitter....hmmmm.  Coldbox
> sounds promising, it showed up whilst I was away in Flex land.  Seems to me,
> without fanning flames, mach-ii, coldbox, or model glue will be handy dandy
> to learn.  The principles learned in either of these will apply in the
> future as well as today.  Fusebox I would not say that about.
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?
>  On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Charlie Arehart <>
> wrote:
> Uh, here it comes, the annual framework debate. :-) I’m only joking,
> Clarke. It’s a reasonable question.
> The good news is that you will indeed get opinions. You’ll just have to
> sift through them. I think the problem with the discussion is that there’s
> no one good answer. As with so many things, it depends: on yourself, fellow
> developers (and indeed if there are any), what you do and don’t know about
> frameworks and patterns in general, how much you’ll be able to reuse the
> framework (and the knowledge gained getting comfortable), how much time you
> have, how much you want to be able (or may have to) to contribute to it, and
> so many other attributes.
> Besides the big 4 (mach ii, model-glue, fusebox, and coldbox), there are
> indeed many more. Another that may suit you getting started is cfwheels. I
> list all the CFML frameworks (that I’ve found) at my CF411 site:
> (Actually, I break it into 3 categories: Application, injection, and ORM
> frameworks.)
> I’ll note that we’ve had talks on ColdBox on the meetup before. Check out
> all past recordings at
> There was also an issue of the FusionAuthority Quarterly Update that tried
> to review the top frameworks (Vol II Issue II, Fall 2006), which while a bit
> dated may still be helpful. There was also an effort some years ago at
> trying to create a repository of one example app built in many frameworks:
> It didn’t really take off, but it’s worth
> considering in your evaluation effort.
> Let’s see what others say in general.
> /charlie
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Clarke
> Bishop
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:00 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework
> OK, I’ve finally decided to really learn a ColdFusion framework! But which
> one?
> I watched a presentation Sean Corfield did for BACFUG (I found this on
> Charlie’s UGTV):
> I think Mach-II is harder to learn and I don’t need it’s capabilities. So,
> I crossed Mach-II off my list.
> Before I watched Sean’s presentation, I was thinking Model-Glue was the
> right one to learn. It seems like I’ve heard more of you talking about
> Model-Glue than the others.
> But, in Sean’s presentation, ColdBox seemed like it might be a good choice,
> too. It seems to have very good documentation which would help me get down
> the learning curve.
> What do you guys think? Is there any other mainstream framework I should
> look at?
> I want to learn how to effectively use an MVC framework, and I want to pick
> something that will expand my understanding and won’t be obsolete next year.
> Other than that, being easiest to learn is probably most important.
> Thanks for your ideas!
>    Clarke
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