
The two names in ColdFusion hosting that I primarily see talked about the
most frequently by "folks in the know" in the CF Community are EdgeWeb and
VivioTech. Both have specialties in CF hosting and are owned/run by some
pretty old school Guru CF types. These companies don't really do shared CF
hosting, which I 100% agree with. Shared hosting is very problematic on CF
so if that's what you are looking for I am not sure that I am any help

You might also want to check out FusionLink, run by John Mason which is
local here in Atlanta. He is also an old school Guru CF type but I suspect
you already know him.


If you decide to go host in the Cloud (AWS/RackSpace) you might want to
check out RightScale for some interesting management tools.


Charlie Arehart has a section in his CF411 site that lists CF hosts if you
want to look at a wider variety of hosts.

Lastly, I'll say that when it comes to hosting CF, you do tend to get what
you pay for. Cheap is usually the opposite of good (in my personal


On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Jeff Howard wrote:

> Hey all. I've been using Hostek for years at this point but over the past
> month I have encountered issue after issue and today their servers have
> been down for the greater part of the day and I have some unhappy clients.
> In this downtime I've been shopping around looking for an alternative. I
> figured that some of you probably have some good quality options so I
> thought I'd ask.
> I'll also need the ability to have an MS SQL and MySQL database along with
> the ability to publish a WordPress public website.
> I'm open for any and all suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Cameron Childress
p:   678.637.5072
im: cameroncf
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