On 23/06/17 09:47, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 23/06/17 10:19, Jonas Oberg wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'd like to see what plan is in place to collect data
>>> about the effort being spent and the outcomes achieved (e.g. what
>>> metrics will be monitored and why they are good metrics).
>> I agree. We have suggestions for a group of the members to look more into 
>> what metrics we use for our activities generally, to which Daniel has 
>> contributed graciously. There hasn't been anyone taking this to up to lead 
>> the effort yet, but some of the metrics have a clear impact on our 
>> operations and it's sound judgement to spend our time and effort in 
>> activities which maximise impact.
>> We'll be looking at this more, and I won't speculate in the outcomes but of 
>> course, if we see we get a great impact in favor of free software if using 
>> Facebook or other tools compare to other equal investments, we will engage 
>> more on Facebook.
> All the viral things that actually get noticed on social media became
> popular because of the effort that went into producing them or some
> other significant feature long before they hit social media.
> For example, a natural disaster doesn't need to post itself on facebook.
> In FSFE's case, if the policy or campaign work being done is
> extraordinary in some way, other people will inevitably share it without
> any staff or volunteer time spent on those platforms.
> If people concentrate on doing work that a random person on the street
> would spontaneously want to share, then they can be confident that is
> something that other random people would want to re-tweet or share as
> well, making it viral.
> Regards,
> Daniel

At an event i attended in June,  i got involved with a IT help
session,   people seemed interested and responsive to the idea there are
alternatives to windows etc,   there is another event on 30th September,
(aimed at older people) which I am at,   I am also at an event in
September (festival of learning, community generally) so these are a
really good opportunity to talk about alternatives and give people
flyers,   but what ever happens,  this needs to be backed up by a solid
support network we have a lug but we need people who can help and answer
questions when there are issues.

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