Hi Haim,

My POV is that "If you build it, they will come". Nobody _needs_ posters
in order to get a LUG going. Posters may be printed for W2L events, but
usually (at least in Haifux) promotion of the W2L was done using simple
copy-machine prints.

The important thing about setting up a LUG is getting good lecturers to
begin a standard, and getting good people who wish to be the core of the
group. I suggest that before investing money in PR, you researched the
level of interest in that regard.

Previous new LUGs did not have a LUG within about 100 kilometers from
them. BIUX will have Telux in the same city. Will there be enough people
who want to come to BIUX? Or will the people who come to Telux just come
sometimes here and sometimes there, thus reducing the number of people in
each lecture? A minimal number of people is required in a lecture,
otherwise the lecturer feels cheated - the lecturer has travelled for some
time, wasting money and time, and "nobody" (or very few people) want to
listen to him/her.


On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, Haim Tzadok wrote:

> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 02:52:17 +0200
> From: Haim Tzadok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: discussions@hamakor.org.il
> Cc: Omer Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [TEST] Test mailing list subscription status after a quiet
>     period
> Dotan, I support your ideas and think this is the right way to build a good
frame of work.
As I mentioned in a reply to Shlomi's mail(which was practically ignored):

Is there any intention from the Amuta/Vaad to proceed promoting each club
continuing activities  ?!
In Bar-Ilan, we intend to continue with a bi-weekly lectures, from the start
of the 2nd semester.(March-06)

For that we need more resources (postcards, posters, CD's etc...)
and of course lecturers - if anyone has any interesting subject in
Linux/open source he want to present.


On 12/30/05, Dotan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Omer Zak wrote:
> >At this opportunity I would like to ask the candidates for the next
> >Hamakor Board elections to tell us exactly what they think should be
> >done by them in their role as Board members, and what should be done in
> >their role as acting project leaders.
> >
> >
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> http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/discussions/12-2005/2954.html
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> >I would also like to see explanations why
> >exactly they must be elected as Hamakor Board members in order to push
> >forward those projects.
> >
> >
> ��™�Ÿ �›�œ _�”�›�¨�—_ �œ�‘�—�•�¨ �‘�™ ��‘�œ �� ��‘�—�¨ ��©�ž�— �œ�ž�œ� 
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> >I am asking those questions in my role as an Hamakor member with full
> >voting right, who wants to exercise his voting right in a wise way.
> >                                        --- Omer
> >
> >
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> �“�•�×�Ÿ
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Haim Tzadok

Orna Agmon http://ladypine.org/  http://haifux.org/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096
