שלומי, החתימה שלך היא כמעט פי שתיים מתוכן ההודעה... לתשומך ליבך.

לא הצלחתי להבין את מהות הבקשה - אתה רוצה שהעמותה תממן שרת
שיריץ מערכת כלשהי, אבל לאיזה מטרה? מה זה נותן לחברי העמותה או
לקהילה בישראל?



On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> [ I am writing this message in English out of convenience. Feel free to
> reply in
> Hebrew. ]
> I'd like Hamakor to host or sponsor ikiwiki hosting such as the one
> provided by
> http://www.branchable.com/ for use by various open source and/or open
> content
> related sites (blogs, wikis , even bug trackers) powered by Ikiwiki.
> Ikiwiki's advantages are:
> 1. Allows for both online and offline editing of the content.
> 2. Keeps everything in a version control system (such as git, Mercurial or
> even
> Subversion), and in well-formed formats such as markdown or XHTML, for easy
> reverting, tweaking, restoration, history logging etc.
> 3. Free and open source software.
> 4. Mature and with a live ecosystem.
> ------------------
> Why not WordPress? The real question is "Why WordPress??!". WordPress
> sucks. As
> noted in this blog post of mine - http://unarmed.shlomifish.org/2396.html-
> this post
> -
> http://actionflickchick.com/superaction/wired-interviews-the-action-flick-chick-geek-cultures-26-most-awesome-female-ass-kickers/
> has eaten my comment and wouldn't publish it (and silently), which I
> luckily
> knew better than to edit only on the page and instead kept written in a
> gvim
> buffer. The subsequent comment referring to the link was posted but
> without any
> of the <a href="..."> tags, and naturally the WordPress developers in their
> infinite wisdom, don't provide comment previews by default. Now,
> actionflickchick.com is a very modern WordPress blog, and although I was
> hoping
> the WordPress people would fix these major issues, they didn't.
> WordPress is the PHP of blog engines - the most hyped and the most popular
> -
> but the technically worse one, and the blind-leading-the-blind.
> (P.S: go on and crack http://www.zak.co.il/ - Drupal 5.0 and
> http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/ - very old WordPress).
> Moreover, if you accuse me of deprecating PHP or recommending Ikiwiki
> which is
> Perl-based over it because I like Perl, then please do me and the world a
> favour
> and read:
> * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
> * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque
> And for the record - I believe there are several Ikiwiki clones written in
> other languages aside from Perl.
> -----
> In any case, I have the following sites in mind for Ikiwiki:
> * A site for Freenode's ##programming channel:
>         https://github.com/shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ (more
> than
> just a FAQ).
> * http://vim.begin-site.org/ (currently using Jekyll which kinda sucks).
> * http://www.linux.org.il/ (started using a custom CMS, but I think
> ikiwiki
> will be better).
> * More.
> Anyway, it's not a lot of money and we can use for Israeli sites or those
> with
> Israeli contributors. We can mandate that the licence will be a superset of
> CC-by-sa (like CC-by or PD) except for fair use cases.
> Regards,
>         Shlomi Fish
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> What Makes Software Apps High Quality -  http://shlom.in/sw-quality
> The X in XSLT stands for eXtermination.
>     — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/XSLT/
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .
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