I haven't installed the Apple packages, and for all I know they have such a file.

Such a file is here:

file:///Library/Receipts/DevSDK.pkg/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ License.rtf

It's also the "click-to-agree" license agreement which is presented when installing the Developer Tools (including the distcc binaries).

It states:

(11) B. Certain software libraries and other third party software included with the Apple Software are free software and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the GNU Library/Lesser General Public License (LGPL), as the case may be. You may obtain a complete machine-readable copy of the source code for such free software under the terms of the GPL or LGPL, as the case may be, without charge except for the cost of media, shipping, and handling, upon written request to Apple.

And, earlier, it states:

(2) B. Certain components of the Developer Software, and third party open source programs included with the Apple Software, have been or may be made available by Apple on its Open Source web site (http://www.opensource.apple.com/) (collectively the “Open-Sourced Components”).

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