Tarek Ziadé <tarek <at> ziade.org> writes:

> On a side note, since these are the original modules that were taking 
> out of Python's packaging implementation,
> I don't think you can copyright them under your name like what I have 
> seen in setup.py

AFAIK I've only added my copyright to the individual files I've created, but not
to any of the files I've copied over from packaging. The plan is to move the
project over to hg.python.org at some point, but Antoine suggested (on
python-dev) leaving it on BitBucket until it gets a little more mature. I'm fine
with that too; there's still a lot to do on it.

> Unless your plan is not to have distlib incorporated into Python but 
> roll a separate project, I'd recommend having it in hg.python.org
> under the PSF umbrella.

I think the suggestion was to keep it out of the stdlib for now, and add all or
part of it later, as and when there's a general consensus on python-dev about
its fitness for purpose. I can certainly update the files which I copied from
packaging with a PSF copyright (or other copyright, like the Fellowship of the
Packaging), if that would make you more comfortable, and / or state "Portions
Copyright XXX" in setup.py. I certainly don't intend for copyright issues to be
contentious :-)

If distlib doesn't make it into the stdlib, it'll be dead in the water anyway,
as the purpose of it is to find a common underpinning in the stdlib that higher
level tools can use, to achieve interoperability and consistency across
different packaging tools. I will be adding more features as time permits - e.g.
I have started adding scripts functionality including binary launchers for
Windows, and I will soon be adding a "plugins" package to handle the "entry
point" functionality. At the moment the distlib stuff is really in limbo
awaiting feedback from distutils-sig and python-dev members; I'll be adding bits
and pieces, but without some kind of endorsement/suggestions/contributions from
others, no real progress can be made.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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