What you can do with pkgutil is call
pkgutil.iter_importer_modules.register(importer, function) so that
your new importer works with iter_modules. Unfortunately even though
it implements most of what you would need to listdir() a zip file,
using zipimport._zip_directory_cache[], it does not expose the


For this particular resources feature you could probably rename Egg to
Dist as far as the pkg_resources code goes, there is barely anything
in the EggProvider class.

Make sure you have a test where the package is not in the root of the .zip file


Speaking of old code, does anyone feel like replacing

# @decorator
def fn(): ...
fn = decorator(fn)

with the probably-ok-to-use-by-now decorator syntax?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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