On 9/28/12 12:55 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
Last but not least, distlib is the plan forward endorsed by python-dev,
Is it? I haven't seen a PEP or an official decision about that. Just because
someone proposed it on a mailing-list doesn't mean it is "endorsed by

We discussed about this with Vinay, Nick and al on python-dev, based on Nick's document
that describes what 'distlib' is.

The document has changed since then, http://python-notes.boredomandlaziness.org/en/latest/pep_ideas/core_packaging_api.html

But the idea was to create a subset of 4 or 5 modules that implement the various PEPs.

Vinay started to work on this and made progress.

When I said "endorsed", I mean that most of the people in python-dev that care about packaging agreed or did not disagree.

Now, if you disagree please say it. Or if you need an official decision, we need to first declare who is the current packaging BDFL maybe ?

And since you seem interested in the topic maybe you could take that role ?


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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