On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Donald Stufft <donald.stu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> >
> >
> > Correct. The desire is still to migrate to a more formal versioning
> > scheme, hence PEP 386 by default if no Version-Scheme is specified.
> > However, I don't want "but what if PEP 386 doesn't handle my
> > pre/post/whatever release naming correctly" to be a potential blocker
> > for migration the way it is with v1.2 of the metadata spec.
> >
> > Their is only one minor difference that I can find between how PEP386
> > handles
> > versions and how pkg_resources does. IMO We should moidfy PEP386 to
> > match what pkg_resources did for that case and then as far as I can tell
> > PEP386 will be a strict subset of pkg_resources.
> >
> > FWIW anyways
> Ah, I finally managed to find the link I was looking for the other day
> when I started this thread (the thread where you raised this question
> last year and spelled out the details of the discrepancy:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2012-September/018966.html)
> By my reading, PEP 386 is fairly explicit overall about the way it
> expected "dev" releases to be handled.
> Firstly, it is explicit that it does *not* expect upstream projects to
> use top level "dev" releases (point 2 in the PEP 386 requirements
> sections). While it's not explicit on what it expects them to do
> instead, the obvious alternative to dev releases is to start with
> "alpha 0" instead of "alpha 1", as Python itself does:
>     $ ./python -V
>     Python 3.4.0a0
> Secondly, PEP 386 is explicit that "dev" releases are then reserved
> primarily for *package testing* (point 4 in the PEP 386 requirements
> section), so it is possible to create developmental packages from
> source control *without* conflicting with the eventual release name.
> The problem with allowing both "pre" and "dev" (as suggested last
> year) is that it's completely unclear how to sort them when they
> appear at the same level. Does dev come before pre or after? Yes, a
> computer can figure it out easily enough once you pick one order or
> the other, but it's a bad combination for the human brain.
> So, let's restrict our attentions (as Toshio recommended last year)
> solely to the cases I was trying to address when proposing the
> "Version-Scheme" field the other day: existing projects that currently
> create "dev" releases before their alpha releases.
> *If* we used Version-Scheme as the solution, then rather than just
> falling back to "pkg_resources" comparison wholesale (with all the
> permissiveness that implies), it might have been more appropriate for
> the alternative scheme to be called "bare-dev-implies-a0". That is,
> rather than being defined based on the current pkg_resources
> behaviour, the new scheme would be based on the PEP 386 scheme, but
> with the modification that when a tool sees an unqualified "X.Y.dev"
> or "X.Y.Z.dev" release (i.e. any release where the "dev" immediately
> follows the purely numeric component of the version), that should be
> reinterpreted as if there was an "a0" component (as in "X.Y.a0.dev" or
> "X.Y.Z.a0.dev") between the numeric component and the "dev" component
> and sorted accordingly.
> Alternatively, we could forget the Version-Scheme idea entirely, and
> simply declare that "bare-dev-implies-a0" is a bug fix for a corner
> case in PEP 386 that wasn't given sufficient consideration. Really,
> what's the use case for making a bare "dev" release between a release
> candidate and a full release? It doesn't make any sense (and if you
> *really* needed to do something like that, you could do a post-release
> of the previous release candidate instead). So, while the top level
> dev release is listed between the final release candidate and the full
> release in the example in PEP 386, I don't see any strong rationale
> for doing it that way.
> So, here's my suggestion for a way forward:
> 1. PEP 426 incorporates the "new versioning algorithm" section from
> PEP 386 directly rather than by reference, with the clarification that
> a top level "dev" release should be sorted before the first alpha
> release
> 2. I accept PEP 426
> 3. I reject PEP 386 (there's a lot of irrelevant stuff in there about
> changing distutils itself which is never going to happen anway)
> 4. I buy Daniel several beverages of his choice at PyCon US for
> putting up with all this extra cleanup of the metadata spec that he
> wasn't expecting when he proposed his update ;)
> Thoughts?

We've had PEP 386 for quite a long time, PEP 426 is long enough, and I have
a cold so PEP 386's "new versioning algorithm" section makes no sense to me
right now.

I suggest someone should just patch the relevant parts of PEP 386,
preserving the many references to that specification, appendix: just
kidding about maintaining distutils. PEP 426 gets accepted. Version-Scheme
may or may not disappear when PEP 426 is made final, possibly providing an
informative strict / loose note about the version and a distant-future path
to semver. I accept the drinks.
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