On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Marcus Smith <qwc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> a top level "dev" release should be sorted before the first alpha
>> release
> ok, so applying this to the example in pep386 (and your comment about
> interpreting a top-level "dev" as "a0.dev"), the sorting would be like this?
>    new    ...     V('1.0dev1')
>    new    ...  < V('1.0a0.dev2')
>    new    ...  < V('1.0dev3')
>    313     ...  < V('1.0a1')
>    314     ...  < V('1.0a2.dev456')
>    315     ...  < V('1.0a2')
>    316     ...  < V('1.0a2.1.dev456')
>    317     ...  < V('1.0a2.1')
>    318     ...  < V('1.0b1.dev456')
>    319     ...  < V('1.0b2')
>    320     ...  < V('1.0b2.post345')
>    321     ...  < V('1.0c1.dev456')
>    322     ...  < V('1.0c1')
>    323     ...  < V('1.0.dev456')
>    324     ...  < V('1.0')
>    325     ...  < V('1.0.post456.dev34')
>    326     ...  < V('1.0.post456'))
>    327     True

No, all the "dev" releases will sort before all the "a" releases (and
PEP 426 will be explicit about that). The "dev-implies-a0"
interpretation is only accurate if there's no explicit "a0" release
(and was mostly just a matter of me thinking out loud, anyway).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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