Richard Jones <r1chardj0n3s <at>> writes:

> pip without virtualenv in python 2 contexts is pretty rare (or at
> least *should* be <wink>) so I think I'll retain it in that bootstrap
> code.

Perhaps I misunderstand, but what's the relevance of Python 2 contexts here?
Aren't we talking about Python 3.4 and later? I agree with Donald's
suggestion that virtualenv *not* be included, or are you saying that you
want to include it for those users who have 3.4 *and* 2.x installed? If you
include virtualenv, it makes it possible for people to mistakenly use it
even though the recommended approach is to use the built-in venv support in
Python. Exactly what benefit does including virtualenv provide in a 3.4+


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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