On Wed, 29/1/14, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That designing modules to support zipimport correctly is non-trivial.

It's not trivial, but it's not especially hard, either. Mostly, it's about
remembering to consider zipimport, since that hasn't been a mainstream
way of deploying Python software.

> And that assuming that things work unless told otherwise is a bad
> default behaviour.

Assumptions in general are bad, if they are made without due consideration.
That's not especially egg-related, is it?

> That packaging solutions should not depend on runtime support modules.
> How you package your code should not imply runtime dependencies.

Do you mean pkg_resources here? Certainly, distlib/distil don't expect to be
present in stuff that they install.

> That package installation utilities should not dabble in sys.path 
> manipulation.
> The import path is the user's responsibility.

User as in developer (rather than end user). Right, and distlib's wheel code
does no sys.path manipulation unless explicitly asked to.


Vinay Sajip 
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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