I support the ban: what Serge wrote was abusive, personal, and hurtful,
easily falling into the 'extreme' bin.

If it were a comment on a blog, it would get deleted. If it was on
Metafilter, he would be banned. If it were real-life, it would start a
fight. No: it isn't acceptable.

Rarely are talk lists moderated. Frequently they should be. This is a toxic

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Randal Hale <rjh...@northrivergeographic.com
> wrote:

> and for my position over leaving - I do apologize.
> I came here seeking a community after an import gone wrong. There was a
> lot of fault on both sides on how that discussion went down (myself and the
> import group - there were also voices of encouragement that came from
> import also). It was toxic overall. I was pointed to the diversity list -
> so I've been lurking and watching. Hoping to see a community that I'm still
> not entirely sure exists. That's a much longer discussion for another day.
> What got me here was the same unpleasantness we experienced over that
> email. I err on the side of being extreme in cases like that. It's the
> second time Alyssa has come under fire (IMO) - and the second time it was
> uncalled for. After speaking with her this is more like the 3rd incident. I
> don't have enough fingers for what my friend (female) experienced from some
> of the OSM'ers.
> As Serge once put it (paraphrased in an off topic email) "I've got
> authority issues". True. Like I said - the same attitude that drove me here
> appears again. I personally hate COCs. Much in the same way I hate Home
> owner associations. But - it's needed at this point. I will gladly accept
> moderated/banned/etc if it encourages community decency. There's been a
> profound lack of it for various reasons. I'm personally tired of the
> indecency. I teach classes in OSM mostly for fun - my first 15 to 20
> minutes if covering toxicity in the community. I would love to not do that
> - this is my first step in throwing that section out. That's 20 more
> minutes for after class drinks.
> I do Mapping for pay and for fun. I like OSM. I am torn every time I
> encourage someone to get involved - for fear of "recent unpleasantness". So
> I drew a line and line drawing is most unhelpful.
> I broke a personal rule - threatening to leave. For that I'm sorry. Better
> to leave than announce it.
> Darrel - thanks for what you are doing. It is appreciated and not
> thankless in the least.
> Alan - thank you for the level head.
> Randy.
> On 12/03/2014 07:58 AM, Alan McConchie wrote:
>> So I have a lot of comments here. Bear with me.
>> First I want to say that I support Darrell's decision. I'm sure it was a
>> difficult decision to make. Given the complexity of the context, I think it
>> was as firm as necessary but also appropriately flexible considering that
>> this is the first time that moderator power has been exercised on this
>> list, and given that the CoC is not officially in force yet.
>> Thanks, Paul, for pointing out that this list has not formally adopted
>> the CoC. Paul writes, "[a] moderator could use such a code of conduct as a
>> guide to coming to a decision, but the decision must be justified in of
>> itself." Firstly, I think Darrell's decision shows that he _was_ trying to
>> follow the spirit of the CoC, while making some necessary adjustments. For
>> example, the CoC says nothing about 60 day bans, only that violations are
>> forgiven after 6 months. I think the 60 day temporary ban that Darrell
>> decided on is a smart compromise to make the list feel safe in the short
>> term and make everyone take a deep breath, but without being as severe as a
>> complete ban. I think Darrell was very careful to come up with a solution
>> that wouldn't be perceived as dictatorial.
>> Secondly, I think the decision was justified in and of itself. Clearly
>> the messages in this thread show that there is disagreement among the list
>> members as do whether the decision was appropriate or if it was
>> "overstepping bounds". Fundamentally all these decisions will be somewhat
>> subjective on the part of the moderator. Note that even in the draft CoC
>> there is a clause that extreme violations (which includes "abusive"
>> statements) are not subject to the three-strikes rule. Obviously, this will
>> be a subjective decision that the moderator(s) will have to make. There
>> will always be times where the moderators will have to make decisions that
>> some of the list membership will disagree with. But personally, and for
>> this list especially, I would rather see the moderator error on the side of
>> enforcing the CoC and trying to keep this list as a safe space, rather than
>> leaning on the side of laissez faire free-speech. We have plenty of that on
>> the other OSM lists, and they all have a well-earned reputation as toxic
>> spaces.
>> It's also significant that Darrell outlined an in-list appeal process,
>> and I'd also like to thank Paul for pointing out that Serge can also appeal
>> to the Communications Working Group. I think both of these channels for
>> appeal should be kept open. Maybe it's good that we will have our own
>> appeals process in addition to the CWG, because we may want to develop
>> different standards on this list compared to other lists. We should discuss
>> this further.
>> I'd also like to address Paul's observation about Alyssa's "repeated
>> triggering". Personally, I think her statement was made in good faith and I
>> don't think it would warrant anything beyond a warning (if that), but I
>> realize others may see things differently. I'm not opposed to discussing
>> Alyssa's statements further, but I think Serge needs to be responsible for
>> his own actions regardless of what we think about what Alyssa said. If we
>> want to propose that the moderator gives Alyssa a warning or other
>> sanction, then we should take that up in a separate thread.
>> I appreciate Frederik's concerns about the appearance of a "secret
>> court", and I agree that evidence should be presented publicly as much as
>> possible, but I think there are also lots of situations where secrecy and
>> privacy is at least as important, especially to protect accusers from
>> retaliation. This mailing list is not a court of law, and we don't
>> necessarily have to follow those rules. It's difficult to balance public
>> and private evidence, and again it's a situation where we simply have to
>> have moderators that the list trusts to make wise decisions. If we can't
>> trust our moderators we need a way to replace them with ones that most of
>> us do trust. Part of the role of the moderator is and should be to make
>> delicate decisions with information that may not be fully public.
>> We also have to trust our moderators to be balanced when listening to
>> these private messages. Darrell did say "I would welcome off-list
>> comments," before making his decision. I interpret that as an impartial
>> request, not a solicitation of nothing but more accusations. Supporters of
>> Serge had as much of a chance to weigh in as anyone else.
>> Also, we've now had two people saying they would leave the list if X
>> thing doesn't happen. A few days ago Randal said he'd leave the list if
>> Serge wasn't banned. Now Jo says she'll leave the list if the ban isn't
>> lifted. I'd argue that neither of these positions are very helpful. If
>> you're going to leave the list, do it for yourself for the preservation of
>> your own sanity (I'd fully understand that!). But I don't think it's very
>> effective as an ultimatum.
>> Jo, I'm sorry to see you go, if you are truly intent on leaving. I'd much
>> rather have you stay and help us work through all of this together.
>> Finally, shouldn't we just adopt the CoC? Now? Isn't it good enough?
>> Alan
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> --
> -----------------
> Randal Hale
> North River Geographic Systems, Inc
> http://www.northrivergeographic.com
> 423.653.3611 rjh...@northrivergeographic.com
> twitter:rjhale     http://about.me/rjhale
> http://www.northrivergeographic.com/spatial-connect
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