Hi folks. I'm glad of this forum to reboot this discussion.
From my POV the Code of Conduct is boilerplate and should include the minimum 
necessary in order to be both accepted and effective. For better or worse the 
absence of a CoC has become a signpost that an online community is not 

When the CoC discussion blew up on the OSMF-talk list last year I tried to read 
the background and liked what I saw at:

It derives from the Go community, which lifted from Django and Rust, which were 
inspired by GeekFeminism efforts. The wording is pretty minimal and I like the 
initial emphasis on the positive.

> We might even include something like "OpenStreetMap participation style" in
> that list so we do not have to tolerate disparaging remarks about remote
> mappers, craft mappers, newbie mappers or folks that participate through
> non-mapping contributions.

Imo this would be walking into a minefield, encourage accusations of tone 
policing.  The emphasis on having to spell out all kinds of unacceptable 
behaviour, as you note below, is to avoid a lot of contentious discussion about 
what is acceptable; it's the long discussion rather than any initial incident 
which will repel people or burn them out.  

I think contribution styles are not in scope here. OSM friends have wondered 
"why do we not include positive attributes that mappers should have, such as 
emphasis on surveying, no trespassing, etc" but an effort to get the wording 
right / get enough eyes and minds on the description of values, would just 
further delay the sensible adoption of a baseline CoC

> How many endless discussions
> will there be (or have their been) about what is offensive as opposed to
> the somewhat easier to identify, disparaging or derogatory comment.

Historically there has been a mailing list CoC but i dont think it had enough 
input to get adoption, it's narrow in scope and overly specific, it would be 
great if an effort here could trickle up into something OSMF as a whole could 

Lots more to discuss but i'll leave it here :D


Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: TBD
Contact the mods (private): diversity-talk-ow...@openstreetmap.org

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