Hi all,

I have put the GF one as a draft on the OSM wiki:


Feel free to edit it as appropriate. At some point I'll go through and
add the suggestions.

On 28/02/18 15:27, Blake Girardot wrote:
> From my perspective, and I am not sure why it is left out of 
> geekfeminism's policy is that item one under "Harassment includes" 
> should list "national origin, cultural affiliation" to address the
> issue of people making offensive comments about people from
> particular countries or cultures.

Agreed. "national origin" has been included in anti-racism laws in the
UK since the 1960s.

> We might even include something like "OpenStreetMap participation
> style" in that list so we do not have to tolerate disparaging remarks
> about remote mappers, craft mappers, newbie mappers or folks that
> participate through non-mapping contributions.

Broadly in favour. Ilya Zverik said:

> OpenStreetMap needs everything. More editors, more tutorials, more >
> rendering styles, more mappers, more software. Anyone has something
> to contribute, although most don’t know what to do.

Is there a chance a broad wording could be interpreted as "Don't
criticize reckless, bad faith, mapping *ever*"? 🤔 I wouldn't want that.

> And I would change or add to the first line "Offensive or
> disparaging comments..." because "disparaging" or "derogatory" are
> open to much less debate than the very subjective "offensive". How
> many endless discussions will there be (or have their been) about
> what is offensive as opposed to the somewhat easier to identify,
> disparaging or derogatory comment.

Agreed. "offensive" is vague and can be used against marginalized people
(e.g. "LGBTQ rights are offensive my sincerely held religious beliefs").
Usually I use "harmful", but those work too.

On 01/03/18 19:13, Paul Norman wrote:
> A couple of issues I would consider if I were doing the selection
> again are readability and education or socioeconomic status.
Classism is a harmful thing, so I agree we should put that in.

Better readability makes it easier for non-native English speakers.


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