FYI, I misspoke here:

On 2019-05-14 4:08 p.m., Joan Touzet wrote:
Since this goes past what we want to do for just ourselves, I've renamed the thread. I just want to remind everyone in this discussion that the D&I group (in whatever official form it takes) can't set policy for the ASF - we can only provide recommendations to be acted upon by leadership.

The answer as to what policy D&I could, should, must, or must not be able to implement will come out of the action the Board takes shortly on where the proposal lands.

It is not a foregone conclusion that D&I "must not" set policy. But choosing to ask the board for that power would be a separate action that we would have to carefully consider.

Thanks to the Members who corrected me off-list for giving me the chance to correct myself publicly.

-Joan "point of order" Touzet

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