On Nov 8, 2005, at 3:41 PM, Robert Wittams wrote:

Ok, so this generated quite a bit of traffic.

Ha -- thanks for kicking this off; it needed to be discussed.

I *really* don't think that 1.0 should be considered on the basis of
stability and usability of the implementation. It should be on the basis of "is this a reasonable base to offer backwards compatibility for", ie
how much do we *know* is going to have to change.

I agree that this is a noble goal, and in a perfect world Django 1.X would be completely compatible with Django 1.Y. However, the reason I'm wanted to push out something called "1.0" is that Django's *perceived* instability is hampering its adoption. The fact is that people read "0.7" as "zero-point-missing-many-features" and shy away. With enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow, and I want more eyeballs (mmmm.... eyeballs....)

These are the things that definitely need to happen before we end up
with a commitment to back compat nightmares:

1) Get rid of core fields * ( this blocks a surprising amount of stuff).

Agreed (as I've said before).

2) Sort out whether magic model modules are really a good idea. Adrian
was talking about this, I also talked to Simon about this yesterday at
the meetup. I am in favour of getting rid of them.

Let's bring this up on a different thread since it's a big issue; my 10-second response is that this would take a *lot* of time, and aren't there more important things to be doing?

3) Some kind of story on authorisation that works for people other than
newspapers, and isn't an enforced ACL mire. *

This is a HUGE task; I think you know that. Coming up with a auth system that doesn't get in the way of most people but has all the power you could ask of it certainly is going to be difficult, and finding consensus among developers on how auth "should" work could easily turn into a holy war (the last time we discussed the topic the tone turned nasty fairly quickly). Frankly, I'd guess that for over 90% of Django's users the current simple auth system is *too* complicated for their needs. This isn't to say that I wouldn't LOVE to see this happen, but simply that it, too, is a lot of work.

4) Transactions


5) Real subtyping as discussed a few weeks ago *

I could go either way on this; any way you slice it subclassing is going to be a mismatch to a relational database, but the current system is needlessly confusing and could be cleaned up.

6) Proper schema checkpointing and transitioning *

This is also a big deal. Again, a lot of what makes this difficult is coming to a community consensus on what "proper" is. However, this is certainly something that could be added without sacrificing backwards compatibility; I'd prefer to take a pass on this and push it to 1.1.

7) Extract the admin history thing from manipulators into a seperate app*

I'm not sure why you feel this is necessary, but it also seems it could be done with a minimum of backwards-incompatibility (rename django_admin_log and refactor manipulators slightly). Database evolution between versions of Django is probably OK as long as the APIs stay the same.

I was planning to do the * items in a branch before 1.0, with the
explicit aim of doing every breaking change in one lump before 1.0 so as
to minimise the number of times people have to mess with their models.

I really appreciate your intentions, Robert, but going solo on big features like this is a bad idea from a community standpoint. Many of the changes you highlight are likely to be controversial and we *have* to discuss them before they'll make it into Django. For better or for worse, I don't want this to be the type of open source project that rolls out big architectural changes without discussing them with the community.

Reading over what I've written so far, it seems that I'm shying away from difficult tasks. Perhaps I am, but the fact is that the longer we linger in a pre-release stage the more our potential community slips away. I don't use the number "1.0" lightly, and I know that it locks us in somewhat, but that very lockin is what draws developers to stable code. Most of the big feature you propose are things that I would give my left thumb to see added to Django, but at the same time I don't want Django to become a project that lingers in perpetual pre-release. If we decide that these features can't be done in a backwards-compatible way and have to release a 2.0 six months after 1.0, what's the harm in that?

I've added http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/VersionOneFeatures as a way of taking a straw poll on what features people feel would be neccisary to create before we can release a 1.0; I've tried to summarize the feelings from this thread, so if I mistook anyone's opinion I apologize in advance.



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