On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 13:28 +0200, Andreas Stuhlmüller wrote:
> Once the SoC final evaluation is over (Mon, August 20th), it will be a
> lot easier (=possible) for me to work together with other people and
> to accept code contributions. This strikes me a little strange since
> SoC is supposed to encourage work within the open source community but
> what you end up with is "work on your own, supported by your mentor"
> (which, admittedly, works quite well).

What they (Google) want to ensure is that the *code* you write is pretty
much all your own work. Students are obviously strongly encouraged to
participate in mailing discussions to come up with design, get feedback,
fix bugs, pilfer ideas from other people, etc. Non-trivial code
contributions are a bit tricky because it makes it hard to tell, at the
end of the "summer" what was the students work and what was other
peoples' contribution.

That being said, bug fixes, etc, are almost certainly going to be fine.
Particularly at this late stage, since you (Andreas) have already
written a large body of work.


The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 

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