On Feb 13, 2008 2:57 PM, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hit a little problem last night with registering a new user in the
> newforms admin branch. I posted my original question on django-users:
> https://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/47b6fdc09d9de07c
> . Working backwards throughout the day, I noticed that
> django.contrib.auth.forms used old forms. For the life of me I tried
> to find a patch or request in the trac on this and I couldn't. To
> quickly get my site up and running I am currently almost complete a
> new forms.py and changes in views.py that use new forms and solves my
> mystery error.
> Is there something I am missing? Is there a reason that auth is not
> ported to new forms yet on the newforms admin? If that reason is time,
> can I offer this (soon to be complete) port? I just need a little
> guidance from someone who knows more on why it seems I am the only one
> to have noticed this. Thanks,

It's been noticed by at least a couple of other people, since there's a
ticket open for it which references a 2nd that was closed as a dup:


I think both tickets have patches as well.  Probably no one has yet had time
to get this finished up in newforms-admin.  Trying out one of the existing
patches and providing feedback on it in the ticket would likely be helpful.


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