Looks really good--a lot cleaner and better laid out than the current

One thing that struck me while looking over this list is that it might
be a good idea to add a section on best practices for writing reusable
apps.  James Bennett's presentation at PyCon hit on some really good
main points that the section could cover.  Maybe it could go under the
"django.contrib add-ons" section.  Thoughts?

On Apr 2, 5:28 pm, "Jacob Kaplan-Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks --
> I've finished making a new outline for the documentation based on my
> proposal I posted last week. It's available online:
>     HTML:http://toys.jacobian.org/django/new-docs-outline/
>     OPML:http://toys.jacobian.org/django/new-docs-outline.opml
>     OmniOutliner:http://toys.jacobian.org/django/new-docs-outline.oo3.zip
> Feedback is welcome, especially of the form "you missed X". Nitpicking
> will likely be ignored; I'm sure little stuff will leap out once we
> actually start shuffling content around. And a warning: I feel very
> strongly about getting this organization *right* here, and so I'm
> likely to use my dictatorial fiat more freely in this process than I
> usually do.
> The next step is to wrap up the Sphinx plugins I'll need to make this
> all work. Once that's done the work can begin in ernest and I'll post
> here looking for volunteers.
> Jacob
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