On Sun, 2008-11-16 at 15:55 -0800, Frank Liu wrote:
> Hi Jacob,
> Let me apologize first for using JKM as an alias to the whole core
> team. I guess the problem here is that adding this feature really
> entail changes in too many areas. It would be nice if you and the
> other core team members can set a direction for changes on this issue.
> The various patches suggested in those previous threads all seem to
> fix one problem while giving rise to another somewhere else. So having
> a direction that fundamentally address this issue i think would be a
> better approach.

I'm sorry, but you're essentially 100% incorrect about the
maintainership techniques and a large number of your other claims about
the ORM.

The changes required for composite primary keys are relatively
localised. There's more than one place, but there's a limited number of
them. For example, since a lot of the logic is already encapsulated by
having a "pk" property already, it's mostly those places that need

Similarly, despite your beliefs, all the maintainers have have been
setting directions for this work in the sense of encouraging, guiding
and providing regular detailed feedback, as the most casual regular
observer on this mailing list could see. But it's not code production by
fiat in the open source world. We aren't going to tell people what to
work on, but we do keep an eye on things and also have our own interests
that we push along. For a couple of years, there's been fairly
coordinated and steady activity towards improvement in various areas,
including the ORM. They remain ongoing.

Again, as with Jacob, I've been reluctant to respond to this thread
because you're just so out of line with your criticisms and the ad
hominem attacks are fairly insulting (and since you mentioned me by name
and by implication in your attacks on Jacob, I am definitely going to
take offence at your mischaracterisations). You happen to want composite
primary keys for your particular situation. But in the whole broad
scheme of every possible web application and database usage, they just
aren't the most common use-case in the world, so will happen in due
course when they're done. Yes, they're on the table; have been for quite
a while. Which is why they're always part of the equation in ORM design
work. The latest round of large ORM changes last year used this case as
one influence over quite a lot of the design, contrary to your
observations (and I can speak with some authority to that point).

If this was/is so blindingly important to you, where's your patch? You
are the one with the apparently show stopping need for this and you get
paid at least 10 times as much as me to work on Django (even if you get
paid $0), so if it's so important to your job, put up or shut up. You
are welcome to use Django. We are glad you do. But that doesn't mean you
get to post crap like this when your favorite feature isn't yet

> On the other hand, i have to say that I am not too familiar with this
> open source style of working on a project. 


> At my company, issues like
> this that span across multiple sub sections usually can only be
> resolved by management stepping in. 

One of the reasons why most corporate software is of much lower quality
than Open Source software.

> From what I've read here in the
> user/dev mailing list, it seems that the only reason that this can't
> be resolved is due to lack of leadership from above.

Nonsense. You're mischaracterising the entire situation. It isn't "not
resolved" (whatever definition of "resolved" you happen to want to
choose). It's ongoing work that hasn't been finished yet. The bar for
quality is high and there are other, simultaneous priorities and limited

>  (Totalitarian
> states usually are pretty efficient in execution...military, another
> example...perhaps sqlalchemy could be a third example with MB being
> the strong leader). Anyway, i guess by seeing your email I've already
> achieved quite a bit. Simply having you recognizing such a problem
> again after 2 years i think it's already going somewhere. Perhaps in a
> few days we will see some patches coming in.

Seriously, put down the weed and step away from the keyboard. Have you
followed any of the discussion about this at all?

David, myself and a number of others have been having ongoing
discussions for a few months in the latest round. It's progressing
fairly nicely, given the time we have available and all the other pieces
we're all working on as well. As mentioned above, it's also been one of
the many, many considerations when designing other pieces of the
infrastructure and has been duly waiting in the queue for the
appropriate moment to start making the changes (which is around now).
The reason the ticket has been open is to indicate it's ongoing work and
we haven't been unaware of it. It's just not done yet (see, again,
priorities and lack of a complete patch that meets the quality

This whole sub-thread has been quite disappointing.


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