On Apr 5, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Jerome Leclanche wrote:

> Without trying to defend anyone or anything here... Why ask other
> developers to ignore an otherwise healthy discussion?
> I believe Russ engaged in the discussion because he's interested; if
> not in the idea, at least in discussing it. Not everything has to be
> backed up with code...
> J. Leclanche / Adys

I don't know Jacob, and I'm not a Django contributor of any kind (at least not 
yet). So this is entirely my own opinion. What I'm suspect the problem is is 
that, although the discussion is just jabber among some random people on a 
mailing list, the topic of discussion is ultimately what those random people 
believe the core contributors ought to be spending their time on -- if not now, 
then in the future. 

So if some people want to engage in this conversation, then that's fine. But 
there's very little chance of it having any effect on Django unless it:

1. Is inline with the well-established strategies in place for making changes 
(especially backwards-incompatible changes).
2. Someone is willing to step up and do the work. 

It's not reasonable to expect the creators and core committers to ever have the 
time and energy to do something like what is being discussed here. However, if 
you have the time and energy and put in some work, you have a foot in the door 
to start a real conversation regarding getting your changes merged into trunk 
at some point.

I think that it's good to remember, every once in a while, that Django is not a 
commercial product. It's all well and good to bitch that Apple's iPad doesn't 
have a camera, or that Windows 7 has this or that flaw, or that your car's gas 
mileage sucks. But an all-volunteer open-source project is completely 
different. Just because certain individuals have stepped forward and shown that 
they can shoulder the burden of doing regular releases, maintaining old 
releases for security, and generally being awesome doesn't mean they work for 
us. It's like us trying to tell the best, smartest, and most active 
contributors to this mailing list how they could do a better job helping us. 
It's a disincentive to them, and makes us look like ingrates.


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