@Everyone who has commented here.

I never intended to cause any animosity and I really appreciate
everything that the core team does for us all.


I really do intend to write code. I make money doing non-Django
development but I love Django so much that I spend 25+ hours a week
not getting paid just so I can learn to adopt Django and eventually
replace my income with Django development. I think I might even be
part pony (DNA testing underway). There are just certain elements of
Django that I feel (slightly) holds back a developer of large multi-
tenant architecture, which could be a really big way to get major
enterprises on-board, and this is where I intend to contribute the
most. I just don't have the time (or money after Uncle Sam's 30k this
March) to spend on contributing if I'm not sure my ideas will be
accepted. This is why I want to spend a little time getting the 5,000
foot view so that my ideas are in sync with what users want, what the
core team will accept and what works best with ``from future import

If I spend 100% more time on preparing to save 50% of my time, I'll be
happy because I've learned more.


Thanks for indulging in conversation, if just for the meta thoughts,
this is precisely the sort of macro conversation that helps me
understand the Django process's rationale.

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