On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Waldemar Kornewald
<wkornew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> in my last discussion on django-users Russell told me that he'd like
> to see four proof-of-concept (or better) backends before considering
> NoSQL for inclusion in trunk.

The number 4 wasn't actually the important bit - it was that I want to
see a range of noSQL approaches represented. I don't want to see 4
key-value stores; I want to see a key-value store, and a document
store, and a column store, etc. I need to see that the API is rich
enough to cover all noSQL bases.

> The primary point was that enough
> eyeballs have looked at the API, first. Now we finally have four
> backends for Django-nonrel:
> App Engine (used in production), developed by Thomas Wanschik and me
> http://www.allbuttonspressed.com/projects/djangoappengine
> MongoDB (used in production), developed by Flavio Percoco Premoli,
> Alberto Paro, George Karpenkov, and me
> http://github.com/FlaPer87/django-mongodb-engine
> Cassandra (alpha/experimental), developed by Rob Vaterlaus with very
> minor hints from me
> http://github.com/vaterlaus/django_cassandra_backend
> ElasticSearch (alpha/experimental), developed by Alberto Paro
> http://github.com/aparo/django-elasticsearch
> All of them are based on our nonrel backend API (djangotoolbox.db). It
> should be relatively easy to extend the API to support both
> Django-nonrel and Alex' query-refactor branch at the same time. The
> backends will probably only need minor changes, if at all.
> Russell and the rest of the Django core team, if we make those four
> backends, developed with 12 eyeballs ;) work on the query-refactor
> branch, what else is necessary to get NoSQL support into trunk? Please
> don't tell me that you also want a CouchDB backend. :(
> My only requirement before porting the backends is that the
> (Native)AutoField issue gets resolved, first. That will simplify our
> porting effort and allow us to reuse our existing unit tests and
> project code.

Firstly, I need to see these backends actually implemented on query-refactor.

Secondly, I need to have a better understanding of what is meant when
you say "alpha/experimental" or "in production" support for a backend.
I have no doubt that you can get any backend working for simple cases.
I have no doubt that those simple cases may well be sufficient for
certain production purposes.

It's the complex cases that have me concerned. I need to know that a
user of <insert NoSQL backend> won't be overwhelmingly surprised if
they try to use Django to access their data store. What data store
features features are and aren't supported? When a feature isn't
supported, is this due to conceptual problems mapping the store onto
the ORM, technical limitations of the store itself, or technical
limitations imposed by the query-refactor branch? When a feature *is*
supported, is it supported in a way that makes conceptual sense?

To counter this, I would like to see a comprehensive summary of the
state of play of the level of support for each storage backend. This
 * How the ORM maps to the backend
 * Capabilities that are lost as a result of this mapping
 * Capabilities that have been implemented, and how
 * Capabilities that can't/haven't be implemented (and why)

Features like CSRF and session messages maintained wiki pages with
this sort of problem analysis prior to their merge to trunk. This
serves as excellent design documentation describing why the feature is
the way it is. I'd like to see an analogous page for query-refactor.

Thirdly, I'd like to see some independent verification of the claims
being made. It's fine to have the person who wrote a particular
backend saying "feature XYZ is complete", but I'd like to see
independent verification of this fact -- preferably from someone known
to the core team, not just a random stranger. The panelists at the
DjangoCon 2010 NoSQL panel would be a good starting place to look for
this sort of verification, but they're certainly not the only

My reason for wanting this is that I'm simply not an expert in any of
these backends. I know SQL quite well, but I haven't had occasion to
try out other backends in depth. I can judge the technical merits of a
patch based on what I know, but I don't want to make a judgement based
on incompletely knowledge. I need to rely on those that I know and
trust to give me confidence that nothing has been missed.

Lastly, we need to resolve the AutoField problem. This is the biggest
outstanding technical issue. I can't say I've got any particularly
brilliant ideas on how to solve it. Suggestions are welcome.

As for timing: I'm on record saying a number of times now that this
isn't something I'm targeting for 1.3. We need to have a release that
is low on features and high on bugfixes. Given the time required to
make large scale database backend changes, I simply don't have enough
bandwidth to satisfy the community needs for 1.3 *and* the needs of
query-refactor. However, if people like yourself that are motivated in
this are can get the pieces in place during the 1.3 development cycle,
query-refactor could be an early delivery in the 1.4 timeframe (i.e.,
early next year).

Russ Magee %-)

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