This has been my experience, as well. I know this is an open source
project and that we're all volunteers, but I have found it it
extremely disheartening and a discouragement to further contribution
when I have invested the time to do the right thing and submit a
detailed report, with patch and docs and tests, and the tickets remain
untouched or merely accepted without feedback (or without further
feedback once initial feedback is addressed) for a prolonged period of

Yes, it's possible to find tickets with many combinations of flags
that need certain types of attention, but the big problem is that
these tickets aren't being found. All the processes in the world won't
help if at the end of the day we just say that sorry, nobody was
interested in reviewing that particular combination, or a reviewer
wasn't notified or failed to follow up on a ticket where they provided
feedback that has been addressed and other reviewers simply left the
ticket alone because they assumed that it would be reviewed again by
the person who initially provided feedback.

I think that while core committers are only volunteers as well, they
should lead the community by example and follow up tickets that they
have accepted, or provided feedback on, or simply accepted without
feedback. Maybe trac can be improved in this respect by notifying
reviewers when tickets that they have closed, or accepted, or provided
feedback on, are updated.


On Nov 17, 6:17 am, George Sakkis <> wrote:

> I admit I am guilty of breaking the (unknown to me) rule/etiquette of
> marking my own tickets RFC as a last resort to move them forward.
> Unlike your example workflow, my experience is often like this:
> * I create a ticket and submit a patch plus passing tests (no need for
> docs if it's a bug or a promise to add them once it is reviewed and
> accepted, i.e. it passes the DDN stage).
> * The ticket stays unreviewed for days, weeks or months or it is
> marked as accepted at best, without actual feedback how to proceed,
> one way or another.
> * At some point I mark it RFC since as far as I am concerned it *is*
> ready for checkin.
> * More time passes and still nobody bothers.
> If I'm doing it wrong, please educate me.
> George

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