Le 24/06/2011 01:02, Carl Meyer a écrit :
On 06/23/2011 04:43 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
The wrong performance benchmarks could result in a veto from me; this
is important.
I really think templated form-rendering is a massive improvement in
Django for front-end devs, so I'm very hopeful that Armin's work can
make rendering speed a non-issue. No pressure, Armin ;-)


IMHO, templated form rendering is not an option, it already is a reality (and 
performance already is an issue).
Templated form rendering is already a practice of several front-end devs:

* I believe many of us tried to include template snippets to be able to reuse 
some form layouts (starting with {% include %})
* Since there is no de-facto convention for implementing the functionality 
right now, everyone uses a personal recipe.
* There is no documentation about doing it right, with performances in mind.
* Maybe hundreds of front-end devs are doing it wrong because there is no 
standard, with optimizations included.

I am currently using my own (shared) recipe for templated form rendering 
(django-formrenderingtools) and I will keep using it until there is a standard 
tool implementing such functionality.
For most websites I develop, I'd rather be able to develop them quickly with 
nice reusable code than provide extreme performances.
For the websites which require high performances, I use the cache, and if it is 
not enough, I can fallback to hard-coded form rendering.
So, in my case, hard-coded template form rendering is the option, whereas 
templated form rendering is the standard.

Le 24/06/2011 06:42, Jjdelc a écrit :

Is it possible for a django user to overload {% formconfig %} to do
something else? or do we have to wait for a next Django release to
have new behavior?
I agree with Jjdelc: we should not be restricted to one hard-coded 
If someone has a solution to improve performance, or to match a project 
specific needs, it should be possible to override the default.

Le 14/06/2011 11:38, Benoît Bryon a écrit :

Another idea: what if we got "layout loaders"?

Configurable loaders are one way to be flexible.
Implementing the form rendering with class-based components is another.
We already have Python classes for widgets. There could be a widget class which 
does not use templates and provide extreme performance.
Why not Python classes for other form elements? It would make it possible to 
implement both hard-coded and templated solutions.
It is a great practice in django-floppyforms: use Python components with a 
render() method. So let's apply this pattern to all form elements!

Could the "layout" parameter be, in fact, a reference to a Python class?

Something like this (to be consistent with the {% widget %} syntax)::

  {% form AsTableLayout for form %}
  {% form AsTableLayout %}<!-- equivalent to the line above if "form" is the 
convention for variable name -->
  {% form %}<!-- equivalent to the line above if AsTableLayout is the default 

It should be possible to provide "generic" base classes which cover most of the 
use cases.
And it would be possible to make hard-coded-high-performance layouts and 
templated ones living together.


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