Hi Benoit, hi Bruno,

2011/6/26 Benoît Bryon <ben...@marmelune.net>:
> Hello,
> Le 25/06/2011 12:05, Bruno Renié a écrit :
>> * If you want template-base widgets *now*, use django-floppyforms.
>> * If you want to use the new forms / templates API as soon as it's
>> done… how do you do it? Is it going to be packaged as an app, as a
>> patched version of django?
> One option could be to use django-formrenderingtools and adapt it to the
> proposed API.
> Formrenderingtools does not cover exactly the proposed API yet, but I guess
> it could.
> In fact, formrenderingtools will be deprecated in next Django releases. So
> there is no interest in maintaining it "as is". Offering backward
> compatibility for the form rendering API may be the best way to go.
> The main repository is
> https://bitbucket.org/benoitbryon/django-formrenderingtools
> I just pushed it to github too (let's try hg-git) :
> https://github.com/benoitbryon/django-formrenderingtools
> Forks are welcome!
> This is only a suggest, so if most of you think we'd better fork another app
> or build a brand one... please let me know. I would stop committing on
> formrenderingtools and contribute to the other app instead ;)
> Benoit

If the need for the new form rendering is big enough or requested by lots of
people (I think that criteria is already matched :-)), will I port the API to
an external re-usable library. However I would create a new library that only
contains the things that will be included in a future django version so that
upgrading from that library to the django-builtin form rendering is as
painless as possible.

Gregor Müllegger

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