On Jul 15, 4:55 am, Danny Adair <danny.ad...@unfold.co.nz> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had the exact same problem, and I had _not_ installed Weave.
> The offending config entry in my case was:
> "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties"
> and it was at the bottom of the accepted languages list. This is on
> Firefox 3.6.6
> I can reproduce the problem anytime by visiting about:config and
> changing "intl.accept_languages" to
> en-nz,en,de,chrome://global/locale/intl.properties
> *.djangoproject.com will stop responding, (all?) other websites seem fine.

I didn't write down the offending entry in my case but I think it was
the same or similar to yours. In any case, I can confirm that by
setting it the problem is reproduced.

Trying to reverse engineer the pattern of the offending values, I
believe that the issue is the string length: any value up to 16 bytes
works fine, 17 or more hangs.


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