On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Maksymus007 <maksymus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What my and company I work for experience show is that Java should simply by
> used to solve other problems that Django or RoR solves.
> Developing medium-sized web-app in Django is for us big pain in the neck,
> especially when compared to development of other app using
> Java + PrimeFaces and all enterprise-stuff (Hibernate, ehCache etc).
> I don't see Django with Python with their, lets say, community and
> non-enterprise grade solutions (good WORKING SOAP library for Python?) is
> not suitable for really big thinks, thats all.
> On the other side..check Play! Framework for java ;)

Only people who are brought up on Java EE/.NET believe SOAP is
useful/good. The rest of the world (yes, even us Enterprise with a big
E) prefer simpler REST interfaces.

BTW, it is ironic that you are arguing that python lacks enterprise
features and give Hibernate as something Java has over Python on a
Django mailing list. Hibernate is an ORM and object persistence
library… which is precisely what Django's ORM does.

We implement real world enterprise solutions using Django, and love
it. Take your FUD elsewhere please!



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