On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 1:56 PM, ydjango <neerash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am setting up nginex, apache, python django, mysql based application
> on EC2. I expect high web traffic and high mysql query usage. Mysql
> and web server will on seperate servers.
> Which linux distro should I use for heavy production use - Ubuntu,
> Centos or Debian?
> Does it matter?

No.  The main difference between Linux distros is the package
management.  All the other software is nearly identical from distro to
distro.  I personally don't care for rpm, provided in the RedHat
family of Linux distros.  Apt/dpkg seems much more sane and much less
prone to dependency issues.  A source based distro like Gentoo will
leave you with problems to fix more often than a binary based distro,
and the CPU cycles you gain isn't usually worth the trouble.  Most of
the time you can get i686 and x86_64 packages from the distro anyway.
Gentoo isn't difficult simply because it's a source based distro, it's
difficult because sometimes they tweak the package dependencies and
you then have to rebuild something or other when you weren't expecting
too.  Not a distro I'd ever use for production, not for something
really important.  If you like rpm, then go CentOS, it's solid.  If
you like apt go with Debian or Ubuntu.  Debian's packages are older
and more tested, thus in theory more stable.  Ubuntu is newer, so you
can expect more bugs, and more package updates than with Debian.

You know, Linux isn't your only *nix choice for server software.  I've
had much success deploying FreeBSD over the years.  It has a hybrid
package management system.  You can use pkg_add to install a binary
version of something, or you can use the ports collection to build it
yourself.  Things will land in the same place, so dependency issues
are usually extremely low.

Greg Donald

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