Hello - and thanks to the developers for django,

I'm a newbie at django, actually a newbie at web frameworks in general,
but I know Python.  I've got django installed (from svn), mod_python
(3.2.10) working in apache (2.0.55), and I can make things work running
the web server embedded in django via 'manage.py runserver'.
Specifically, I've create the "/now" example from
http://www.djangobook.com/en/beta/chapter03/  and, when I point my
browser to .,  it does indeed print out the
date/time.  Now, how do I accomplish the very same thing using my
apache web server?  Do I run manage.py with a different action - if so,
what?  Also, I'm not doing anything with my postgres db yet either.

More details:
I created my project via:  django-admin.py startproject fun
and put it in a subdir, /djangoProj, off my home page.

My httpd.conf contains (where 'myhome' points to my home dir):
<Location /fun>
   SetHandler python-program
   PythonPath "['/myhome/djangoProj'] + sys.path"
   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE fun.settings
   PythonDebug On

<Location /mpinfo>
   SetHandler mod_python
   PythonHandler mod_python.testhandler

thanks for any help, Randy

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