On Oct 25, 7:19 am, Michel Thadeu Sabchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Graham!
> > What percentage of requests are actually yielding static pages?
> > People often too quickly run to lighttpd thinking it will somehow
> > magically solve all their problems, but if the bulk of the requests
> > are actually dynamic and served by Django, and it is Django and the
> > database which are the bottleneck, it will make very little if any
> > difference.
> Ok,
> > Now to try and get to what the real issue may be, expand on what you
> > mean by 'server stuck when I had too much hits'.
> I couldn´t figure out exactly my problem. The key pages of my site is
> cached through locmen, the index page is cron generated. I have too
> much media files, my site is a games portal and I have videos, images
> and stuff served on the same server,

Okay, when I say static files am thus also referring to media files.
In this sort of situation where your static files also consist of a
lot of large videos, sound files or images, then moving them to
another server and using lighttpd or nginx is definitely a thing to
consider. As mentioned by one of the referenced articles, even if you
don't have another physical server then running it on the same machine
may also help.

If a different physical machine or you have multiple IPs on the one
machine, then preferable to serve the media files from a different
hostname. That way the media web server can still run on port 80, in
the case of the same machine by configuring the respective web servers
to only listen on the one IP address and not all interfaces.

If you only have the one machine, don't have a separate IP and don't
want to have a non port 80 public web server, then you'll need to make
everything appear on the one hostname/port. Although you could make
lighttpd or nginx the first point of call and proxy through to the
Apache for the Django application, you may be better off considering a
lightweight proxy in front of both web servers. One option for that
which I have heard good things about from people I know who use it is
'Pound'. This is available from:


The good things they have said about it include it being fast and easy
to configure. The ease in being able to add, remove or move backends
would also be extremely useful if you get a second box as it may make
it easier to transparently and with minimum amount of fuss move stuff
between machines as you work out the best architecture.

That said, I haven't personally used it, but still worth a look and
obviously you would want to test well any architecture you come up

> a Dual Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU
> 3.20GHz with 4GB of RAM space. I have the following installation:
> * Apache2.2
> * Python-2.4.2
> * Django-0.96pre served through mod_python
> * MySQLdb-1.2.2
> * MySQL-5.0.18
> At some key pages I use django´s locmen cache. My home page is
> somewhat slow because it has too many interchains of news sections
> (too much filtering), this way, I generate the home page every 30
> minutes and serve it as a static page. I start this approach this
> week, in the past time I let the home page to be cached by locmen too.
> My RAM usage frequently reaches 3GB or more,

Do you know which process in particular though are using up all the

If it is the Apache child process in which mod_python and your Django
application is running are you taking measures like setting
MaxRequestsPerThread directive to some non zero value so that the
processes are recycled on a regular basis and not just growing and
growing in size over time. Disabling keep alive or at least reducing
the keep alive timeout can also be help in as much as holding down
active memory and allowing more concurrent requests from different
users without Apache having to launch new child processes.

> A friend told me that I can make python library shared.

If you track that one back far enough you will find me at the other
end as I was the one who started that recommendation. I got sick of
people complaining about mod_python using up so much memory when it
was mostly to do with the Python installation not using a shared
library and what happens when statically compiled object gets used in
dynamically loadable modules. :-)

> I read the
> Jacob´s post [1] about performance tips and the Chase Davis [2]
> recomendations.

Yes, both contain useful suggestions. You need to look through some of
the comments to understand why though for some things. Although some
comments also don't give the full picture, for example, the GIL is not
necessarily as big a problem when hosting applications embedded with
Apache child processes as some would have you believe. See my prior
blog entries for more about GIL and multi core issues:


> I get another box to make server scaling, it is a
> Pentium 4 CPU 3.4GHz with 2GB of RAM space. What is the best
> alternative to this server? Should I use it as a database server or
> should I use it as a media files server, or maybe I should use it for
> apache and the another server for database...

How to split things up across boxes is always a hard decision. You
really need to do some testing which mirrors the requirements of your
application as far as database and media file serving loads to get a
good idea. Without that it may be more of an educated guess as to
which may benefit more.

> I had problems like the about 2 months ago and I updated the python
> mysql library (my last one had a bug with garbage collection), and the
> server goes ok for these 2 months, it start to show me problems again
> when I had an increment of users. I could not tell how many was this
> increment, but on monday I launch a new online game (it is served on a
> partner) and I could measure the incrementation of users on site by
> the forum and other interactive sections. The server stopped to run
> again today just after I change a header file used by this webgame
> (the webgame is hosted by another server, but the header is on my
> server), but I don´t know if it is a pertinent information :P

Still not sure though what you think is causing the problems. Yes, you
have high memory usage but what is using the memory? Is that leading
onto swapping? If you can indicate whether it is Apache itself, the
Django application, the database etc, will help as far as giving
further suggestions.

BTW, as far as using mod_python, you might want to also experiment
with mod_wsgi. For your sort of high performance web site, you would
most likely use it in embedded mode and so not much different to
mod_python in that respect, but mod_wsgi does have a smaller memory
footprint and lower per request overhead.


> I am very thankfull for all your help,
> Best regards.
> [1]http://www.jacobian.org/writing/2005/dec/12/django-performance-tips/
> [2]http://www.car-chase.net/2007/apr/30/django-deployment-lessons-learned/
> --
> Michel Thadeu Sabchuk
> MisterApe

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