I developed a site using ./mmanage.py runserver for testing.  I try to run it 
under apache and it errors.  I hear runserver adds things to sys.path 
apps) and when you run from apache that doesn't happen.  sure enough, I can fix 
it by adding things to PythonPath.

Now I am having 2 problems with
     (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),

1. if I browse to mysite.com/admin it misses that and gets caught by
      (r'', include('ridgemoor.core.urls')),

2, browse to mysite.com/admin/ get error:

Tried new_message in module ridgemoor.core.views. Error was: 'module' object 
no attribute 'new_message'

I have a feeling this is more pathing problems, but now it doesn't work from 
runserver either, which makes me think I broke something trying to fix the path 

So before I go 'fixing' more things, some sort of checklist describing what 
changes I need to make would be nice.  Anything like this exist?

Carl K


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